Programming and implementing a new line shader with texture features in glsl. This shader is now available in the neck-mapping software and it can create some nice effects. the lines are adjustable in quantity and size. ...
New GLSL line shader
art, blog, installations, software
This is my new mapping software to project on spheres. It is based on my NEck software and includes most of the effects like color, scaling, rotation and glsl shaders.
The duotone shader with black and yellow.The duotone ...
New Sphere Mapping Software
art, blog, installations, software
These are some examples from the Li / Pu / ni / e / Fl / nk / äch / t / e installation at Nachtdigital 2014. The software creates random 3D patterns with simplified objects as brand: circles, cubes, triangles, and lines. ...
Li / Pu / ni / e / Fl / nk / äch / t / e Software
art, installations, software
Green - red - green - blue - unvisible, then visible in red - green - invisible. That is the light installation at the lake. Controlled lights creating patterns and colors, matched to the music.
An Arduino is ...
art, blog, hardware, installations, software
This is a VJ software called "NEck Mapping Software", which I designed myself. The software is based on MaxMSP and a java external for the mapping function.
[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" ...
NEck Mapping Software
installations, software
We used the "NEck Mapping Software" to project visuals on a car. The installation is live performed! The people who came by were a bit confused but curious how this performance is possible and how visuals can be projected on ...
Car Mapping – a live performance!
installations, software
This is an edit which shows some of the last works done by urbanpixellab. It started with motion design( commercials, animations, experimental movies, short movies and more) added programming in( c++, java, javascript, ...
Urbanpixellab Demovideo
hardware, installations, motion design, software
Permanent Installation at the Cosmic Casper Berlin. Three ultra short distance projectors creating an surrounding atmosphere. The visuals are splitted by the software into three signals (bottom, wall and bar) and mapped into ...
Cosmic Casper Club
installations, software
Permanent installation on spheres at the lounge "an einem Sonntag im august" berlin.
[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" class="MYCUSTOMCLASS" portrait="false" ...